Friday, 14 December 2007

Job descriptions

Would you know what you'd have to do if you applied for these jobs? No? Click behind the hyphen after the description and drag the mouse to the next hyphen to reveal the answer.

Vision clearance engineer - window cleaner                -
Education centre nourishment production assistant - dinnerlady -
Waste removal engineer - binman                               -
Domestic engineer - housewife                                   -
Knowledge navigator - teacher                                   -
Flueologist - chimney sweep                                       -
Stock replenishment adviser - shelf stacker                 -
Head of verbal communications - secretary / receptionist -
Petroleum transfer engineer - petrol station assistant    -
Foot health gain facilitator - chiropodist                      -
Coin facilitation engineer - toll booth collector             -
Cash relation officer - banker                                     -
Environment improvement technician - cleaner            -
Revenue protection officer - ticket inspector               -
Technical horticultural maintenance officer - gardener  -
Wastewater treatment officer - sewage worker           -
Crockery cleansing operative - washer-up                  -
Space consultant - estate agent                                   -
Media distribution officer - paperboy                          -
Dispatch services facilitator - postroom worker          -

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